Sunday 26 March 2017

daily devotions 26th March 2017

Roms 14: 4Who are you to judge someone else’s servants?

Right from the early days of the infant Church, there were already differences among the leaders and the people. There were arguments about worship days and about what to eat or drink. These are all carnal differences which we still see in the present day.

In the present day church there are differences about the songs we sing, the way worship is conducted, the programs that we have, and many more activities. This week end is good Friday and resurrection Sunday and in the church service I attended, it was just business as usual and there was not mention or preaching on the events of the crucifixion and resurrection.

The Church character has deviated quite a lot and many of the present day churches are performance oriented. More emphasis is made on display of their skills in music, worship and dance. In the new churches that we see today, it’s all about hyping up the worship, prosperity message and receiving double portions of blessings. Unfortunately the churches are spending as much as half an hour drumming into the people’s minds to give more and more.

This has become the focus of ministry, it about money, money and more money. The message of the cross has become diluted and no more mention of the cross and the death of Jesus that bought out salvation. We are not saying that we want to criticize but we are reminded that we need to be faithful to the Gospel which Jesus Christ brought.

Without the message of the gospel we will not be saved. We need to remind ourselves of this. Let us focus upon Jesus and His finished work of redemption on the cross for all of us. Let us repent and return to Him and surrender out lives to Him.

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