Sunday 8 October 2017

2 Kings 4: 44They ate and have some left over, according to the word of the Lord.

This is an account when God also fed a group of people with a limited amount of food. In this case, Elisha fed a hundred men with just 20 loaves and there was some left over.
God had blessed His people in the past and He has also blessed them in the present day. God is indeed the living God who is omnipotent, He is able to do all things and is able to provide. He is Jehovah Jireh our provider.

Jesus also repeated the same blessings that He did for Elisha when he taught beside the Sea of Galilee when He fed the five thousand men besides women and children. We do not know the exact number but it could have been four to five times more.

God is showing us that He can multiply the little that we can offer Him, He does not look at our abundance or our abilities, He is above all that we need and is able to supply us abundantly over and above all our needs. Our needs are never too big for God to bless us. He is the Creator of all things, He is also the provider for all things come from Him and are made by Him.

Jesus said all that we need to do is to ask God our Heavenly Father according to His will and He will hear our cries and will answer our prayers. He will surely bless us and meet our needs.

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