Monday 23 October 2017

Daily Devotions 23rd Oct 2017

John 13: 34A new command I give you: Love one another.

Throughout history we read about the treachery of betrayals among brothers. Even in the bible we read of treachery between siblings and these have transcended down to the present day Middle East conflicts among the nations.

Historically the nations in the Middle East can trace their ancestry back to the same families which are mentioned in the bible. The same can be said about other nations as well. We note that in all the nations, there has also been much rivalry in the royal houses where royal family members have been treacherous towards each other and have killed whole families in their rivalry for power and wealth.

This treachery is innate in man as all men have the evil streak of greed. Men would do all kinds of evil just to achieve what they lust after. Even among common families, there are fights and quarrels over the dividing and sharing of inheritance.

Therefore the world without love is a sad and hurtful world. It is only in Christianity that Jesus has taught fervently that all the children of God must love each other. In fact Jesus revealed that this is the very foundation of Christianity. It is the love of God for all men that He sends His Son, Jesus to die for the sins of the world.

Jesus demonstrated this love and He taught and commanded that we in turn must also possess this love for one another. This is His New Commandment to all believers so that we can build the kingdom on earth and also qualify to inherit the heavenly Kingdom.

Therefore, just as Jesus has commanded, let us love one another as Jesus loves us.

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