Sunday 8 October 2017

Habakkuk 1: 2How long, Lord must I call for help?

The people of Israel had suffered throughout their history, there were many good years when the Lord blessed them when they were faithful but gradually when they turned from God, then judgement came to the people and they were taken captivity by their enemies and went through long years of suffering.

It was also during such a time that Habakkuk was the anointed prophet for the people of Israel, he had the responsibility to stand and lead the people and also to pray for the people. Here we see Habakkuk crying out to the Lord,  “How long, Lord, must I call for help but you do not listen?”

We can imagine the anguish of Habakkuk when he had put all his faith and prayers in God and after many long years, nothing seem to happen and God still seem to have forgotten. This was his cry of desperation.

We too may have gone through dry days in our lives when God seemed to be far away and He does not seem to have heard us or answer us. But God has His timely and planning. His ways are not our ways, His thoughts are not ours.

The scripture tells us that as high as the heaven is above the earth so are God thoughts higher than ours. His timing is perfect and His ways are also perfect, in His time, God will surely make all things beautiful for us. We need only to trust in Him.

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