Tuesday 17 October 2017

Daily Devotions 15th Oct 2017

Psalm 115: 16The highest heavens belong to the Lord, but the earth he has given to mankind.

This very scripture confirms that God is the creator of the whole Universe, everything that was created belongs to God but in His love He has set aside for mankind to live in and enjoy. In fact He has created earth as a shadow of what we can expect in heaven.

Because God first created man and woman to be companions for Him, He wanted to give a similar them the beauty of His creation and also all the provision in it. Man and woman were originally to inherit the earth and have dominion over it and to enjoy everything that is in it.

Unfortunately the man and woman fell into sin and this privilege was removed and now man has to toil the earth for his food. That is the reason that man has to work hard in order to gather and provide for his family.

The scripture also specifically confirms that only the earth has been given to mankind. Therefore it is only on earth that there is life form and not in anywhere else in the universe. All those stories of alien lifeforms are false and originated from the devil.

We know that the devil and his fallen angels have been caste down to the earth and they have dominion in the air. That is why Satan is called the Prince of the air. He has dominion in the second heaven and on earth. This is also why the fallen angels that followed Satan are now the principalities that are being worshipped in false religions and in pagan worship. These fallen angels have got what they wanted, which is to be worshiped just like God is being worshiped.

Today, we are called to be children of God and we have this honour to be joint heirs with Jesus to the heavenly kingdom, this was the original plan of God, let us not lose sight of this, let us hold firmly to our inheritance and salvation.

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