Thursday 5 October 2017

Daily Devotions 4th Oct 2017

Luke 18: 40-41Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied.

Jesus was making His final entry into Jerusalem before He would be persecuted and crucified. He knew exactly what would happen when He goes into Jerusalem and this was a mission that He had to complete. In fact it was the whole reason for Him to come to the earth which was to suffer and die for the sins of the world.

On this fateful journey, he was abruptly interrupted by a blind man shouting out to Him for help. Perhaps His mind was already thinking about the events that would be taking place in the next two days. Jesus fully knew the mission that He was to accomplish, in fact he prayed in deep agony at the Garden of Gethsemane to ask for God to give Him strength to go through with His mission.

Jesus was fully aware of the pains and sufferings that He had to go through but He was obedient being the Son of God. As a human he felt the discouragement and the dread but he was totally obedient so that the divine plan of Salvation for all men can be fulfilled and put into effect.

From the compassion that Jesus had for the blind man, we can also learn that no matter how urgent our program and activities are, there are always time for us to pause and do some good deeds which can be a blessing to those who are in great needs.

Sometimes we may be full engrossed with some Church programs and feel that we do not have time to help others, the truth is Church work can never finish and if there is something very urgent, we can easily pause and attend to such needs first.

Priorities can change depending on the weight of need and urgencies. The important thing is to know the will of God in what we do.

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