Friday 13 October 2017

Daily Devotions 11th Oct 2017

Isaiah 38: 5The Lord says I have heard your prayer and seen your tears.

This was the word that God had given to King Hezekiah when he wholeheartedly responded to the warning from God. God saw the heart of Hezekiah who repented immediately when he heard that God had judged him. He put on sack cloth and turned his face to God seeking for forgiveness from God. He cried out in travail, he opened his heart to God who then heard his prayers.

This was then God responding to his prayers. We read that God had heard the cries of King Hezekiah and had even set the sun backwards as a sign of His commitment to Hezekiah.

Of course we do not expect that God will act the same way again but we can be assured that just as God had not forsaken Hezekiah, today God has also not forsaken us. He still hears our cries and He sees our hearts whenever we repent in sincerity.

God is looking for a people who are righteous and holy before him. He is looking for people who are humble and quick to repent and return back to Him. Repentance is the key to God’s forgiveness and also the key to release revival that would come upon us, His people.

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