Tuesday 17 October 2017

Daily Devotions 14th Oct 2017

Psalm 131: 2I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.

The psalm of David is one among the series that are called songs of ascent and they are sung by the pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem to celebrate the annual feasts.

In this psalm David acknowledged the love of God which he compared to the tender loving care of a mother for her little baby. Just as the love of the mother envelopes and protects her child who is contended and trusting in her arms. The child would have no fear nor worries of the environment around him knowing that the mother will give her best to protect him.

This is the same way that David said he felt calm and secure in the arms of God. He is in complete surrender to God and not having any fear or concern of the threats and dangers around him. In essence David was humble as a little child is humble with his mother; David is totally surrendered and trusting God.

Thiss is what David is teaching us that we must come with childlike faith before God. In fact this is the same manner that Jesus said we must come before God in this humble manner.

As we trust in God in every situation that we are in, then only can He take over and lead us. If we do not surrender, He cannot take control. Therefore as John the Baptist said God must increase in us and we must decrease in our self.

It is all about Jesus, it is not about us for without Him we can do nothing and we are nothing.

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