Friday 20 October 2017

Daily Devotions 20th Oct 2017

Psalm 63:3Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.

When David wrote the psalms, he was mostly on the run from his father in law King Saul who was all out to kill him because of jealously and rage. David was hiding in the caves around the hill sides of the Dead Sea. There are numerous caves around the region and there are also isolated Oasis with fresh springs and plenty of wild life.

In a sense David was safe from King Saul because it was not easy to search all the caves and scripture did record that even when King Saul and the soldiers entered into the same cave where David hid, they could not see him because it was dark and David was hidden way deep intot he back of the cave.

In the psalms David remembered the goodness of God and he wrote in Psalm 27:4 ‘One thing I asked from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord.’

To David, there was no greater thing than to be able to spend time in the presence of God and to interact with him in worship and prayer. This is the best way to draw near to God and also invite His presence into our midst.

Again we can learn from the example of David who showed that in order to be assured of the favour of God upon our lives, we must be in constant and continued communication with God. It is only through such an intimate relationship that we can experience the presence and the grace of God upon us.

Today, with the challenges of life around us, we indeed need to have the grace and mercy of God upon our lives otherwise the living conditions will be very difficult for the believers. Every day we are reading of persecutions of Churches, pastors and believers of Jesus. Many have been massacred and made martyrs for the Lord.

This challenge will continue until the return of Jesus Christ. The reality is that we must strengthen and equip ourselves with the word of scriptures and our faith in Him strengthened and secured so that when the trials and tribulations come our way, we will not waver but stand firm in the Lord.

Not only must we be strong, we must also teach our people to be strong as well so that they too will be able to withstand and endure all tribulations.

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