Thursday 5 October 2017

Daily Devotions 5th Oct 2017

Deut 32: 10-11He shielded him and cared for him   …like an eagle that  …hovers over its young.

Moses wrote Deuteronomy and recalled the grace and mercies of God as He led the Israelites through the wilderness. The accounts described how God had been loving and merciful to His people even when they had rejected Him and turned away from His commandments over and over.

Throughout the exodus, God never left them; He was with them day and night like a loving Father. In the day He was with them in the pillar of cloud that shaded them from the scorching sun. I have been to the Negev desert in Israel and the temperature and heat is very high and unbearable. But in these conditions, God gave them the cool breeze and the shade of the pillar of cloud.

Imagine a long caravan of 2 million people journeying through the desert; the cloud must have been very big to be able to cover all of them. None of them died of heat stroke, none of their shoes or clothes wore out even after 40 years of wandering around the desert.

In the night God was with them as a pillar of fire that gave them light and heat to keep them safe and warm. Again the desert is very harsh and the nights can be very cold but God gave them the heat. This was supernatural air conditioning and it came on without fail each night. It was just as sure as the sun rises each morning, the protection and blessings of God was with the people without fail.

God’s love is exactly the display of a loving Father who wanted to give the best to His children. Moses here reminded the people how their Father God had protected and cared for them just like the majestic eagle cared for her young. The eagle is the king of the birds and is the most majestic and feared among all the birds. In fact it is so strong that it can even carry off a full grown mountain goat or a big size calf.

Indeed God is still the same loving Father today, His eyes are still upon us His children and He is continuing to protect and save us whenever we are in danger.

This is the loving God whom we worship and who is our loving Father. Let us continue to draw close to Him.

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