Sunday 29 October 2017

Jer 17: 8They will be like a tree planted by the water … its leaves are always green.

Jeremiah speaks of the believers as compared to trees that are planted by the water. By this he meant that the trees would have their roots deep in the ground and being able to take in the water that seeps through the ground to the roots. When the trees are well watered, then their leaves will be green and lush.

By this comparison the scripture tell us that spiritually speaking we too must have oir spiritual roots grounded in the word of Scriptures and as we study and meditate upon the scriptures, they would in turn bring nourishment to the believers.

Paul wrote in Col 2: 6-7 ‘therefore  as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so wlk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing in gratitude.’

When Paul wrote about being rooted, he meant that we must be stable and unmovable as a huge tree is strong and unmovable because of the roots that the tree has developed. Every believer must be strong and unmovable just like the tree that can withstand the ravage of flood and storms. We can see how a sturdy tree can survive even after some heavy natural disasters that would otherwise cause severe damage.

This is what the scriptures tell us, every believer must be rooted and grounded in the word of God and their relationship with God so that they would be strong and secure even when the challenges around them are severe. They must be able to weather the storms and hold firm to their faith and come through all the difficulties that batter their lives.

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