Friday 27 October 2017

Daily Devotions 27.10.2017

Provs 12: 11Those who work their land will have abundant food.

Work has been apportioned to man so that they will have food and also that they may prosper. In the present day there is different vocation unlike ancient times when most people were farmers, fishermen or hunters.

Every work that they are engaged in requires the manual input as their needs are met on a daily or seasonal basis. The farmers go through a planting season followed by the reaping season. The same goes for the fishermen and hunters. There are season when they can work and save up some surplus for bad times. Times and seasons will also dictate the working period.

When winter comes, all the people would not be able to do any work. The conditions will be unfavourable. The farmer cannot farm, the fishermen cannot go out fishing and the hunters also cannot go out hunting. There is a time and season when they must work hard in order to store up and supply their needs during bad times.

This is what King Solomon wrote, the workman must work hard so that he can fill his store house and then he would have plenty of food when bad times come.

God also taught on storing as in the life of Joseph where God prepared him for the important task of preparing for a severe famine upon the region. As we journey in life, there will also be seasons where we can have plenty and there will also be seasons when we will experience famine.

Therefore God reminds us here, let us work hard so that we will have plenty and be able to store up and prepare for both good and bad times.

This also applies to our spiritual lives. When we are free and able to worship God, we must build our faith and mature in spirituality for the time will come when there will be spiritual famines and we have to stand upon our faith and relationship with God to see us through the trials and tribulations.

This also means that we must toil towards building our spiritual life so that we can stand against the storms of life and the challenges that will come our way. 

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