Wednesday 25 October 2017

Daily Devotions 26th Oct 2017

1 Chron 17: 12He is the one who will build a house for me, and I will establish his throne forever.

In this case, God is speaking to King David that He will use one of David’s descendants to build the temple and in the second part of the verse; God promised that the throne of the descendant would be forever.

The first part was a prophecy for King Solomon who build the magnificent temple in Jerusalem which was eventually destroyed and the second part of the scripture actually refers to the prophecy of Jesus Christ who was also a descendant of King David.

Of course we know now that the throne of Jesus Christ is forever, His throne is not of this world but it is in heaven and is more glorious than any earthy throne.

Heaven is the final destiny for us and heaven is where God is. He is infinite from eternity to eternity. Heaven will not disappear but it will be forever. Therefore God is revealing to us that the throne and kingdom of Jesus Christ is eternal.

That is what we are promised that when we remain faithful to Jesus Christ, we wills hare eternity with Him in His heavenly kingdom.

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