Thursday 19 October 2017

Daily Devotions 18th Oct 2017

Isaiah 53: 5He was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities.

This is the prophecy by Isaiah about the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. In this particular chapter we see the detailed prophecy of the Lord.

The scripture today described the whole mission of Jesus when He came and bore the punishment of the sins of the world upon His body. He went through such a horrible punishment and endured such pain just so that all our sins can be washed and made clean by the washing of His blood.

He bore the stripes on His back which took away all our sicknesses. Today because Jesus had accepted the punishment on our behalf, we are now not only set free from eternal judgement but we are also able to receive healing for our sicknesses and diseases.

Isaiah prophesied that the Son of God would come as a lowly servant the first time he came so that He can complete His mission that the Father God had sent Him to complete.

Today we are the chosen of God, we are also His children because Jesus bought and paid the price for our redemption. We have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus.
We must be grateful and give thanks to God for our salvation and the inheritance that is waiting for us in heaven. One day we will rejoice when we are united with Christ in His heavenly kingdom.

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