Friday 13 October 2017

Daily devotions 10th Oct 2017

Rev 3: 2Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have found your deeds unfinished in the sight of my God.

This was the word that God gave to the Church at Sardis through John the apostle. The Church at Sardis was a powerful spirit filled Church that had been doing great works for the Lord, in fact God said to them that they had indeed had a reputation of being alive, but now they have gone cold spiritually and are dead in the works of God. In fact they have lost their first love for God and the Holy Spirit is no longer in their midst.

There was a lot of spiritual fatigue and lethargy has crept into the Church. They have fallen into the routine and playing Church. They had no longer the zeal to do outreach and to to operate in the power of the Holy Spirit.

They have fallen into programs that are routine and mundane and they have lost the cutting edge of the Spirit. They have lost the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  The people are now spiritually dry and no longer spiritually alert or awake. Their spiritual senses are dull and they cannot sense the presence of the Holy Spirit and have lost their fellowship with them.

The call here is for the people of God to once again seek the empowering of the Holy Spirit and to watch and pray so that they would not fall into temptation.

They are encouraged to be alert and sober in their mind and be aware of the snares of the enemy who wants to trick and destroy us. In fact Jesus once said that the enemy is like a prowling lion going to and fro seeking for someone to devour. These are the luke warm and back slide Christians. They have lost their dedication and commitment to God and they have been ensnared by the lure of the world and are entrapped in the things that the enemy can offer them.

These are the things that appeal to the flesh like positons and power. Pleasures that cater to both the mind and the flesh. When the believers are overtaken by all the distractions that the world can give, they will soon be drifted and drawn away from God.

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