Sunday 29 October 2017

Daily devotions 29th Oct 2017

Deut 1: 21See. The Lord your God has given you the land….Do not be afraid: do not be discouraged.

This is Moses speaking and he is demonstrating his confidence and assurance o the people. As Moses led the people through the wilderness, there must have been great fear among them as the people did not know where there were going and along the way there were great dangers from wild beasts as well as from unknown vicious enemies.
It is understandable for the people as they marched each day through strange and hostile territories, they had been in their comfort zone in Egypt for generations and this was reflected when they murmured against Moses.

Even when God had provided supernaturally for them daily their fear still gripped them. Now Moses had to encourage them by saying ‘Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged.’ Moses was different from every other person, he had enjoyed such an intimate relationship with God that he could talk person to person with God even in an audible conversation.

In fact God loved Moses so much that God called Moses His friend. This is an example for all leaders as they lead the people in their own churches. There will be uncertainties over the years and there will be challenges and obstacles as the Church journey on.

The leader must be there to be able to hear from God and in turn be able to speak a word of encouragement to the congregation even in times of difficulties. As we can see, many of the members have needs in their family lives. The leader must be a good shepherd to feed the sheep, tend their wounds and bind up their wounds.

There are times when the leader must pray for healing and deliverance and even share words of edification to those who are low in spirit and are broken in the confidence.
This is normal Christian ministry and we learn from what has been recorded in the scriptures. Therefore let us be as Moses, always ready to intercede for the people and is always there to give encouragement and counsel when needed.

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