Wednesday 25 October 2017

Daily Devotions 24th Oct 2017

Matt 25: 40Whatever you did for one of the least of these ….you did for me.

Jesus is referring to all believers who are big or small, poor or rich. Jesus does not look at people like men look at one another. He does not esteem the rich nor does He look down on the poor. In the eyes of Jesus, all men are equal. The rich and the poor are equal, Jesus looks at the condition of the heart of the believers.

From the lesson that Jesus taught about Lazarus and the rich man, we see here that Jesus was referring to real people. Lazarus was a real person, a beggar sitting at the gate of the rich man who is also a real person and Lazarus was humble and poor but he was rich in heart. Though Lazarus had no money, he had faith in God. His heart was full of love for God and that is what God is looking for.

God did not look at the rags and filthiness of the body as we would look from the outside. God looks at the heart to see if it is clean and white. He does not discriminate from outward appearance.

That is why when Jesus said that whatever good that we do for any of the poor brethren, Jesus considers it as we having done it for Him. The poor are humble, they know that they cannot boast of material possessions and therefore in the eyes of the public, they are very meek.

These are the ones that Jesus looks out for, the lowly in heart and the poor in the spirit. They are the pure in heart never considering themselves to be equal or above others.
Jesus said that He is among them and whatever we do for any of the poor; we are doing it for Him. This reminds us that we too must be humble and lowly in heart and we are so, then surely Jesus is with us and is waiting to bless us.

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