Friday 13 October 2017

Daily Devotions 12th Oct 2017

Isaiah 40: 11He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart.

Isaiah is teaching on the loving and protective nature of God our Father. He makes a simple analogy to that of a loving shepherd who loves the sheep and the lambs. Little lambs are very cute and it’s a natural response for the shepherd to pick up one of these and to lovingly cuddle them.

Like little babies that are cute and cuddly, every parent or adult would want to carry the baby to love and cuddle. The adult will feel happy upon carrying the baby who in turn feels loved and safe in the arms of the adult or parent.

God is giving the assurance to His people through the prophet Isaiah that He would personally be their shepherd, tending to their safety and needs. He would be speaking to them in gentleness and love just as a good shepherd would do the same for His flock, He would also hold and cuddle the yang lamb close to His heart to comfort it.

At times, we the people of God would have to go through challenges in life; there may be testing and storms that would buffet us. I have seen many of the people in church that are going through challenges of sicknesses, poverty, and emotional stress and so on. Many have to go to hospitals to receive treatment for their sickness and others have also to take medication and consultation fro the stress and depression that they are going through.

It was the same in the days of Isaiah but God had heard their cries and have seen their needs and He now declared through Isaiah that He would not neglect them or desert them. Instead, God reminded them that He is their Good Shepherd and would tend to their emotional wounds and their health. He would look into their welfare and their needs.

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