Monday 23 October 2017

Daily Devotions 21sy Oct 2017

Provs 18: 10The name of the Lord is a fortified tower: the righteous run to it and are safe.

In warring times there are dangers everywhere and the safest place is inside a fortified city. Throughout the world in ancient times, every nation have towns and cities that are built inside tall fortified walls and there are also some towers along the wall where the soldiers or the people could go to when the enemies attack.

It is with such a context in mind that the writer now relates his safety and assurance in God. He declares that when the people of God takes refuge in Him in times of danger and needs, God always protects and provide. The writer must be a man familiar with dangers and he draws a clear parallel to the dangers that he had experienced frequently and his many experiences of finding shelter and protection from God.

His writing confirms that not only does he understand the privilege of God’s protection but he must have personally been protected by God on many occasions. That’s why he could boldly declare that God is His fortress and safety. He proclaimed in complete trust and assurance from past experiences and he wrote to encourage all that what he had experienced and enjoyed, we too the children of God could also experience in our times of need.

Our God is mighty and can do all things and He will hear and delive us from all dangers.

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