Friday 13 October 2017

Daily Devotions 13th Oct 2017

John 1:42Jesus looked at him and said….’You will be called Cephas’ which when translated is Peter.

The scriptures tell us that we look at the outward appearance of men but God would look into the deep recesses of our heart. God will see the real us which is our spirit man. In the case of Simon when his brother Andrew has met Jesus and was convinced that Jesus is truly the Messiah, Andrew went and got Simon to come and meet up with Jesus. When Jesus saw him, He immediately said that his name will be changed to Peter which meant a rock.

Jesus saw the rough qualities in Peter who was like a raw diamond that has not been shaped and polish. However Jesus saw the strength that Peter possessed and He called him and changed his name. Of course we learn later on that Peter became the leader of the Apostles after Jesus had left them and ascended back to heaven.

It is also the same with us; God will see each of us as a raw and unpolished precious stone. God looks into our lives, He cans ee the qualities that are hidden in us, He wil pick us up and He will do the work f cutting and shaping and polishing as He prepares our lives for His use.

It is Jesus who calls each of us. He gives us the calling and He chooses us and then He prepares us just as He prepared the apostles. Jesus sees the flaws and the strength that is in all of us. He will train an detach us to be the vessel that He wants us to be.

We are different and when Jesus calls, He will justify and He will equip us according to what He sees in us just as when He saw Simon and saw what was in him. Today Jesus is still seeking and calling for more and more disciples and workers. He needs many disciples in these last days. He has planned for Global revival and He is looking for obedient and committed believers. Let us be like Isaiah and say to Jesus, “ Here am I Lord, use me.” 

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