Sunday 1 October 2017

Daily Devotions 29th Sept 2017

Heb 10: 23

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.

The writer of Hebrews is emphasizing on faith, in today’s verse he is calling for all believers to have strong faith and hold unswervingly to the hope that we have in our God. This is important to all of us who have not seen Jesus Christ in a personal way but for the early believers their faith cannot be shaken as they have seen our Lord, walked with Him, talked with Him, seen Him after the resurrection and have been with Him for forty days after His resurrection.

We are told by Jesus that those who do not see and believe in Him are blessed. Today in many places the faith of believers are being challenged especially in the countries that worship the moon god. Many believers are captured, tortured and challenged to give up their faith failing which they would be martyred. Many have paid the ultimate price for their faith. They very readily accepted martyrdom and held on to their faith in Jesus.

While these persecutions are going on in the countries under the authorities of the moon god, miraculously many of these moon god worshippers are receiving supernatural visitations from Jesus Christ and in fact the growth of Christianity in a certain Middle East country that is strongly antichrist in nature is showing the fastest and most conversions to Christ in the world. Hundreds of thousands are turning to Jesus Christ and are being baptized daily.

As former persecutors of the believers, they are fully aware of the high price that they would have to pay if they are caught, but they are happy and willing to stand as witnesses to the truth about Jesus. Such are the people who are being blessed personally with direct revelation from Jesus personally. Where the persecution is greatest, that is where Jesus is working hardest as He came to save all men including the moon god worshippers.

As for those of us who are blessed and privileged to be able to worship Jesus in freedom we must cherish this and continue to do the work of the Great Commission, God’s Holy Spirit is already moving in many parts of the world and the prophetic word is out that the end times revival is coming soon.

Let us prepare and equip ourselves so that we may be in this end time move of the Holy Spirit and let us be used by Jesus for this end times movement.  

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