Sunday 8 October 2017

Judges 6: 23The Lord said to Gideon, “Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die.”

In the present global scene, there is fear everywhere. People are unsure of what is happening around them. The world is buffeted by natural disasters which are unpredictable. There are earthquakes that bring large swatch of destruction to lives and properties. Then there are hurricanes and wild storms that can actually destroy whole countries like Puerto Rico and many of the Caribbean islands.

Again there are political disruptions that can also take away the peace and security in a nation. Then there are social and financial unrest that can also destroy businesses and employments. Then there are wars and political disruptions that would also cause the whole region to be disrupted and insecurity disrupting the people.

We see all these fears and worries in the world today. But in the days of Gideon, the nation of Israel had been subdued and the people have been living in fear of the oppressors and in this particular time, it was the Midianites who oppressed Israel. We read that Gideon was threshing his grain in secret because there were frequently raided by the enemies and their harvest and grain have always been robbed by the enemies.

Gideon like many of the Israelite was a timid man always in fear of the enemies. So when he saw the Angel of the Lord, he was afraid that it was another enemy who had come to raid them. However, the Angel told him that he had come to help him and Israel to defeat the enemy. In this state, Gideon was so insecure that he asked the Angel to prove to him that it was truly the will of God to bless them.

This is where we learn of the famous Gideon test of asking God for a sign to prove the will of God.  We are just like Gideon as well, when we are surrounded with all kinds of dangers and threats, even when God speaks to us, we will be uncertain.

Just like Gideon, we too need to learn to trust in God and put our fears aside because the promises of God are always true. He will surely keep us safe and His blessings will be with us and see us through the most difficult situations. Only that we need to trust Him and to look to Him at all times.

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