Wednesday 25 October 2017

Daily Devotions 25th Oct 2017

Heb 4: 2The message they heard was of no value to them, because they did not share the faith of those who obeyed.

Walking with God is a life long journey, the longer we journey with him, the more intimate we become with God until we become His friend. People without God are spiritually dry and their lives are lack of love, joy and peace. They lack the fruit of the Spirit and they move around aimlessly.

Whereas those who know the Lord are purposeful in their lives. In this text the writer is reminding us that if we have received salvation and the blessings of God, these are not meant for us to lock it up and keep it to ourselves, rather we are to share this message of salvation with others.

 God says that unless we do this then our lives would be just like the desert. We may know the Saviour and have received the word but if we do not utilize this and share it with those who have never heard the gospel and never had the chance of salvation, then our salvation is valueless.

Our salvation is like a talent which we must invest and multiple. If we do not do that, then it will have very little value.

In the parable of the talents, the unfaithful servant who did not invest in the talents had his talent taken away from him and he was thrown into the fire with those who are unsaved. This parable tells us that when we are unfaithful and not bearing fruit, then we are in danger of losing our very salvation.

We need to invest in the gifts that God has given to us, let us rise and use the talents that God has put into our lives.

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