Tuesday 17 October 2017

Daily Devotions 16th Oct 2017

Gen 50: 20You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done.

As we consider the life of Joseph, he was called by God at a tender age but it took him thirteen years before he rose to the position that God had called and prepared for him. He had to endure 10 years as a slave to Potiphar and when his wife wrongly accused Joseph, he was thrown into jail for another two years.

Before he rose to the powerful position that God had prepared for him, he had to endure hardship and humility. After the long years of humility and preparation during which he remained faith to God, Joseph inherited the position that God had prepared for him.

In the same manner, we too have our calling and preparation. Sometime we wonder why after we have received our call, nothing seem to happen for a long time. This is one way that God can test us of our faithfulness and obedience.

I have known of many great man of God who are most successful today and they have testified that they had indeed received their calling from a young age but it is only now when they are grown and matured that God is using then to their fullest potential.

In this week, I have just seen a video of one of my personal friends whom God is using powerfully. He is already into his eighties and God is still taking him globally to many countries in the world. Recently in the video, I witness a prophecy that God would supply him a plane to travel around the world, it would not be his plane but one provided by another person and all cost will be borne by the person.

That is one example that I have seen and witnessed of the blessings of God because of obedience on the part of the servant of God. We too can be blessed if we humble ourselves and submit to God completely.

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