Wednesday 1 November 2017

Daily devotions 1st Nov.2017

Mark 4: 41They were terrified and asked each other, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

The Sea of Galilee is a very bigger fresh water lake and at the northern shore, there is a valley which forms a wind tunnel. When there is a strong wind that comes all the way down from the northern region the Sea of Galilee would experience waves of as high as 10 ft. This is rather dangerous and in the days of Jesus the boats are rather small below 20 ft in length.

These would be just like cork floating and bobbling on the surface of the lake. We can imagine that the boat would have been tossed violently up and down. Surely Jesus could not have slept under such conditions but He just kept quiet in order to test the faith of His disciples.

With the wind roaring and all the water splashing into the boat it would not be possible for anyone to sleep. When the terrified disciples woke Jesus up, He merely spoke to the storm to be still. This was to demonstrate His power and authority over all creation for it was Jesus who spoke all things into being. The whole Universe was created by Him.

The whole world was created by Him, the mountains, the land and the oceans were all created by Him. They came into being through the command of His voice. A storm like that was nothing to Jesus who had full authority over the nature.

Mark has been the only writer of the Gospel to record the authority and power of Jesus, the Son of God. At the time of Jesus’ baptism, Mark also recorded the voice from heaven that declares; ‘You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.’

Today we have the scriptures that have been written by all the faithful and mighty men of God who have revealed all spiritual truth to us. Now we know and we understand the full counsel of God, His perfect redemption plan for man and the world.

All that is left for us is to accept the truth of scriptures and to walk in obedience to it. When we do that, we are assured of our salvation and our inheritance in heaven.

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