Thursday 30 November 2017

1 Peter 3: 8All of you, be like minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.

The apostle Peter is exhorting the believers to be like Jesus, be sympathetic, loving and compassionate and humble to each other. Learning from the great servants of God who are truly apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ, we can see the humility in each one. As we read about their lives and ministries, this is the first outstanding quality that we can identify in all of them.

The more we observe their lives, the more we learn of their humility. This value has also been adopted by most of the outstanding sportsmen in the world. I do believe that they too have been taught to be humble and compassionate. As we watch their victory interview, we see them acknowledging the contributions of their loved ones, their family members, their coaches and finally giving praise to their opponents for doing well.

Humility is what God loves to see in His people, it brings about a sweet savour to our minds and also pleasantness to our hearts. We would delight to sharing the company of humble people but we would surely dislike the company of proud and arrogant people who are rather abrasive and repelling.

The scriptures always remind us to be godly, holy and humility is definitely a fruit of godliness and holiness. If we want to continue in living godly and holy lives, we need to start living humbly and in compassion.

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