Monday 20 November 2017

Daily Devotions 21st Nov 2017

John 12: 24
Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.

Down where we are summer is quickly approaching and soon we will see the abundance of flying seeds everywhere and where they land they would begin to grow as weeds.

Jesus used this illustration of sowing and harvesting. Just as a farmer would sow the seed and reap a huge harvest in due season, Jesus taught His disciples that He would have to fulfil His mission and die on the cross before a global harvest of souls can happen.

Today we are 2000 over years after the codification and resurrection of Jesus and what He had prophesied has come to pass. Through His death and resurrection Jesus had conquered death and now that He has resurrected and live forever we too have this privilege to overcome death and to inherit eternal life with Him in heaven.

Our journey on this earth is short and one day we would all have to return back to God. Let us do what Jesus Had commanded us to do which is to do the work of the kingdom, preaching the good news and saving souls for the Lord. This is the Great Commission that Jesus Christ had given to all of us. Because He had died and completed the work on Calvary, we now must continue and do the work that He had called us to do.

In these last days, we are reminded that soon night is coming when no man can work anymore. Looking at the aggressive advancement of the antichrist agenda which uses governmental machineries to advance their antichrist agenda of trying to destroy Christianity through political correctness, we see that the moon religion is making great advances.

The Church must not be intimidated by these forces but we need to arise and shine and do the works of God. Jesus Christ had paid the price; we must not let his sacrifice be made in vain.

Let’s do the works of God while we still can. Global revival is coming we need to get ready to be the labourers who would bring in the harvest. 

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