Saturday 18 November 2017

Phip 4: 10You were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it.

Paul had set the example of being a tent maker who worked to provide for himself as well as for his assistants who were with him. This was the example that he established and even till today many full time ministers do continue to serve God while still holding on to some other secular jobs.

In this case we learn that the Church at Philippi was eager to bless Paul and other minsters through their giving but Paul had on many occasions did not receive the offerings. This was because the believers in Philippi were also in great needs.

For many of us who were in employment or in business, we had sufficient to maintain ourselves and we did not burden the Church for financial support. This is true in many Churches especially at the early years of Church planting; there would be generally a lack of finance. Many leaders have to make sacrifices in order to help the church keep out of financial troubles.

In a sense, those of us who are so used to not receiving any support will also find it odd to allow ourselves to receive gifts from the Churches especially the poorer ones.
This was exactly the same situation for Paul, though the church wanted to give, he felt that it was too much of a strain to them and he told them that he understood but he did not give them the opportunity to bless him financially.

Sometimes we would need to also not disappoint these churches, I have on many occasions been offered gifts after ministry and I would accept them out of courtesy but immediately pass it back as a seed to the Church. This way I would not offend the Church and secondly they are happy that I plant the seed back to support their ministry.

For ministers, just like Paul, it is also necessary to learn to trust God for His provisions rather than trusting in our flesh. 

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