Sunday 12 November 2017

Daily Devotions

Eph 3: 20Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

This is the benediction from Paul as he closed his writing to the Church at Ephesus. We know that God is the one who promises and blesses His people. Sometimes, His promises seemed to be far away and we may be waiting and waiting for the promises to come to pass.

We are told that God words are eternal; whatever He had promised will come to pass though His timing is not our timing. Sometimes what God had promised may come to pass very quickly and at other times what He promised will take a very long time. For example, God promised Abraham that He would give to Abraham’s descendants the Promised Land that would stretch from Egypt to Turkey and to Iraq and Iran.

However this has still not come to pass because in the eyes of God The Israelites are not ready to inherit the Promised Land. They have sinned against God and had been dispersed throughout the world until God decides to bring them back which He has now begun to do. We are seeing the fulfilment of prophecies as God has revealed it to the nation of Israel the remnants of the lost tribes of Israel world-wide.

Some of these were scattered in remote areas of the world, some in rich countries and some in very poor countries. However, the fact remains that God has now begun to allow these lost tribes to be discovered and brought back to their homeland. We are also told that in Revelation there are the 144,000 pure and holy Jewish men who would be assembled and sealed by the angel to bring the ospel to their own people in the last days.

This prophecy can soon be fulfilled as the lost tribes are now being brought back and soon there would be enough candidates to fulfil the prophecy. God’s words are sure and would come to pass as God is the true and only God, what He has promised even from the beginning of time will surely come to pass in our present time which is the time of the last days.

Knowing this let us prepare and make ourselves ready to be used and send out in these last days coming revival and harvest.

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