Thursday 30 November 2017

Ex 23: 16Celebrate the festival of harvest with the first fruits of the crops you sow in your field.

In many countries where there has been a long civilization, the festival of harvest has always been celebrated with elaborate ceremonies to thank the god that they worship for the providence of the land. In general all the natives tend to worship the earth as the provider for all their needs, they think that the earth is the mother that provides for their necessities of food and other essentials.

What they do not understand is that God had created the earth for man to enjoy and to live temporary here before they move on to the eternal inheritance of heaven. That was the original plan of God but because of the sins of the first man and woman, this was not automatic anymore. Man has lost their inheritance unless they accept the salvation plan of Jesus.

In today’s passage we see that God had commanded Moses to lead the people in celebrating the festival of harvest in remembrance of the blessings that God had bestowed upon them. This was to remind them that it is God who provides the harvest for them. Man can do the planting but it is God who gives the rain and the increase in the crops.

In Israel, until today the festival of harvest is a major festival in the calendar when the whole nation will come together as families and celebrate this festival. There will be much singing and dancing and feasting as it is a great and joyful event.

The greatest thing is that we remember that all our blessings come from God and we need to continuously be giving thanks to Him for who He is and What he is to us.

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