Sunday 12 November 2017

Daily Devotions

Psalm 67: 4You rule the peoples with equity and guide the nations of the earth.

The psalmist wrote about the people of the world who are being unfairly treated and suffer from the ill treatment of evil men. The psalmist wrote in this verse ‘May the nations be glad and sing for joy for you rule the people with equity and guide the nations of the earth.’

Looking around the world today, this seems to be far from the truth, there is I justice everywhere in every country whether it is developed or not. Even the educated and those in national and international leadership are far from being people of integrity and honor. They speak in falsehood, they lie, and they break their promises. The fact of the matter is there is no equality in the countries.

Those who are elected to lead and protect turn out to be the same who steal and destroy. They trample and trod on the common people who are handicapped by low education, poverty and simplicity in their lives.

The fact remains that in this present world; there will never be total equality among nations and among the people. Such ideals can never be achieved due to the greed and dishonest dealings of carnal men. There is no perfection and never will be perfection in this earth. This can only be achieved when we get back to heaven. As long as evil abounds on earth there will be imperfection.

Therefore as believers of Jesus Christ, we have been called to be the light and the salt to the world. The world is sinning and imperfect, we are called to make a difference and we are to obey and do what is required of us. Therefore let us be obedient to Jesus Christ and make every effort to be a blessing and a changer of circumstances in the world.

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