Sunday 12 November 2017

Rev 22: 3-4The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. They will see his face.

Only the Christians are privileged to be shown the end from the beginning, God had not meant us to be ignorant of what is prepared for us. He had revealed this to the apostle John who had been instructed by Jesus to record down all that he saw. Of course many of the things that John saw was beyond his time, John could not understand what he saw of the futuristic life and vehicles.

John could only use the limited language skills and vocabulary of his time to describe things like helicopters, armoured vehicles, jet planes etc. Imagine in his simple mind he was overawed and could not find words to describe what he saw. The only way was to draw illustrations to what he knew at that time.

John also saw the glory of the throne of God, it is too magnificent and majestic for him to narrate, anyway John tried his best and today when we are able to see the present day inventions and the awesome vehicles that the developed countries have, we can further understand what John had tried to describe.

The important thing that we need to know is that in heaven, John is dwelling in the midt of the city and all living beings in heaven are worshipping God. There are multitudes who have been assigned to serve Him and to worship Him. The saints who have gone ahead too are there worshipping God.

We also read of the saints of the Old Testament who are also there and are serving God and doing what God had assigned them to do. The angels are ministering spirits and they were created to serve God and man. They are tireless as they serve 24/7 non-stop.

In today’s verse, John said that all of God’s servants are to serve Him and they would be able to see His face in heaven. We are also told that on this side of eternity, no man can see the face of God because of His holiness and glory. In fact God told Moses that if he had seen God’s face he would have died but God had only permitted that Moses is able to see his back as He walked pass.

This is the promise to all of us, let us keep our eyes on Jesus and let us continue to do His work until we are called to go back to him.

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