Saturday 18 November 2017

Luke 11: 13

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!

This passage was given by Jesus to explain that soon after He leaves this earth, He is going to send the Holy Spirit of God to all those who believe. It is a mystery but Jesus was speaking about sending the Holy Spirit to the Church to impart good gifts to the children of God.

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to give the spiritual gifts to the body of Christ so that they can be equipped and anointed to do the works of God. All those believers who were in the upper room were told by Jesus to wait until the Holy Spirit has come upon them and anoint them with power and wisdom to go out to share the gospel and to perform miracles and signs and wonders.

In this particular verse, Jesus put it all in one verse that promised us that the Holy Spirit’s anointing and power would be given to all those who ask of Him. It was God’s original plan of salvation that after the first step of salvation, we must then progress on to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It is when we have received this anointing that we would have the wisdom, boldness and power to do the works of God.

This is our heritage; we must catch it and run with it. Great is the reward for all those who works and excel in the works of God. The world does not have this, only we who are the chosen ones can have and enjoy this, let us not neglect our calling and our anointing and let us soffer ourselves as worthy vessel for the Lord’s use.

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