Monday 20 November 2017

Daily Devotions 20th Nov 2017

John 14: 27Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.

Christianity was born among much tribulation and persecution. Looking at church history we recollect that through the ages, Christians have been persecuted by religious as well as political enemies.

In some countries, political or state persecution was practiced, in other parts, religious persecution took place. This has not stopped until today. In fact in many countries we are seeing both persecutions that are still ongoing. In the Middle East and some African nations there is genocide that is going on. Whole Ethnic groups are being killed for their faith in Christ.

It is true that the Christian brethren are in great tribulation and they live in oppression from the oppressors that persecute them daily. Great atrocities are happening and there seems to be no relief for the brethren.

The only source of relief and peace is in their hearts when they turn to Christ who has promised that in troubled times, He will give us His peace and His assurance. WE may lose our lives in the natural but we will gain eternal life in Christ Jesus.

This is our hope and assurance and no matter what we face, we will be able to stand firm in our commitment to God and to Jesus.

Let us not lose faith and let us not waver as we put our faith in Christ and turn our eyes to Him.

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