Saturday 18 November 2017

Psalm 89: 15Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord.

This is one of the prophetic Messianic psalms that David wrote under the inspiring of the Holy Spirit. He could foresee and prophesy the coming and the ministry of the Messiah. In this psalm, David proclaimed of the goodness and attributes of Jesus.

Here David proclaimed ‘Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, Lord.’ David who knows the heart of God well also knows of the blessings and benefits that would come be bestowed upon all the followers of the Messiah.

Today, this is the same with God’s people, we enjoy the love of Jesus, His mercies and His protection and also His blessings. There are many testimonies f what Jesus had done for His people. What He did in the past, He is still doing today.

We read on a daily basis of testimonies of the people of another religion also receiving first hand visions and visitations by Jesus who came and called them to follow Him. Jesus as He did when He first called the disciples and the early believers, Jesus is still calling out to the non-believers individually as well as in groups.

Surely all who knows Jesus and believe in Him are blessed and are continually being blessed. We too are in this category and let us continue to praise God for all the goodness that He has poured into our lives.

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