Sunday 12 November 2017

Ruth 2: 20He has not stopped showing his kindness.

This is the account of Naomi and Ruth as they had returned from the land of Moab where there was a great famine and Naomi had lost her husband and two sons. She had now returned to Israel with Ruth who remained faithful with her.

Both of them had come back penniless and were without any money or shelter. They had arrived back to Naomi’s old home and they sought refuge at the estate of Boaz a distant relative of Naomi’s husband.

God had mercifully arranged for Naomi and Ruth to be taken care of by Boaz who showed compassion and mercy to them. Perhaps it was God who had touched the heart of Boaz or perhaps it was the kind nature of Boaz that God had selected him to be the benefactor to Naomi and Ruth. We would not know exactly but we know that God had used Boaz to bless these two women.

In this verse, we read that Boaz had not stopped showing his kindness. This also tell us that when God has blessed us, we must also become a blessing to others. In the scriptures, it has been repeatedly demonstrated to us that we must be generous to others around us who are less fortunate.

This is the commandment that we are to give and show generosity. Jesus also taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Giving will also release the blessing of God upon our lives. Giving will also ensure that we will be received by God and our worship would be acceptable to Him. In fact giving is also a form of worship.

It is also the characteristics of God as a giver. John 3: 16 For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son. God is a giver and we can never out give God. Therefore the key to receiving His blessings is to give and continue giving. He will surely open the windows in heaven and less us in return.

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