Thursday 30 November 2017

Amos 4: 13
He who creates the wind … the Lord Almighty is His name.

The prophet Amos reminded the people of Israel who had been dispersed and have also gone into captivity. In fact they had suffered under the judgement of God and in spite of all their sufferings the people were not drawn back to God.

God had called them the stiff necked people. This is not only about the Jews though I have met them in Israel and had found them to be stubbornly against the Saviour, Jesus Christ. While I had conversations with them I have found them to be very stubborn and resistant to the gospel.

In this instance, Amos reminded the Jews that the Lord God over Israel is the one and only true God who created the whole universe. In fact everything that exists is created by God who is unseen like the wind. We can feel the effects of the wind but we can never see the actual wind. The hurricanes and cyclones are powerful and destructive, we can only see the effects of its power but for the wind, we cannot see it.

Amos is reminding the people of such a God who is mightier than the strongest hurricane or cyclone, in fact He is the God who created such powerful forces and He is above all these. Amos reminded the people that the almighty is the One and only True God. There is no one like Him and there is no other who can compare to Him.

This is also a timely reminder to us who God really is. The God we worship is never changing, He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and today He is also our God.
Let us remember this and let us revere and honour Him and worship Him in spirit and in truth.

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