Thursday 30 November 2017

Matt 6: 4Your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.

Jesus reminds us that the kingdom of God is different from the world where people seek to be rewarded, honoured and credited. There are many people who actually work behind the scene and are rarely acknowledged for what they do. These are those who are humble and meek who do not seek glory for themselves.

Jesus says to these that our God who is omniscience knows all things and sees all things including whatever that is done in secret. Unlike the world that rewards people for great achievements, God would reward anyone who has done even very little for the kingdom. God knows the hearts of the meek and He sees every deed that they do. He will acknowledge and reward them even if men do not reward them.

This is the reassurance that Jesus gave to us, not all men are born to be great and not all men are born to do great things. We do not need to compare ourselves and be envious, do what God has given us to do well and He will reward us justly.

God is not a man and His ways are not the same as the ways of men. His love and mercies are limitless and His grace is immeasurable in terms of man’s measures.
Praise God that our God is such a loving, compassionate and merciful God who rewards all His children for every deed done both great and same.

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