Sunday 12 November 2017

Daily Devotions

Gen 1: 9-10God said, ‘Let the water under the sky be gathered to one place, and let dry ground appear.’ And it was so… And God saw that it was good.

The first chapters of the first book of the bible narrate to us the creative work of God and what took place was clearly recorded so that we would be able to understand the creative works of God.

In the first chapter it is recorded that when God saw the finished work of creation He said that it was good. This reference was made particularly to the creation of the earth as we know that the whole universe belong to God and the earth He gave to man. The Earth is the only place that God had created in the shadow of what we can expect to inherit in heaven. Everything that was created was a show of the type in heaven.

Of course the heaven is a much greater and magnificent place than earth. There have been many revelations in the bible giving us the descriptions about heaven. The apostle John was taken up in the spirit and was given the task to write what he saw for the benefits of the church. Paul and also others have received such revelations and in recent times we have also heard and met people who have actually been caught up to heaven.

Their lives are not the same after they have seen and experienced heaven. There have also been many books written by these people who have had the opportunity to visit heaven. Mary Baxter was one of these authors who have been there and back and she is zealously preaching about heaven everywhere she goes.

We the believers are the privileged people in the world, we know and are assured that we will surely inherit our heavenly home when we leave this earth. Having received this gift, we need to hold firm on to it and to secure it with our dedication and commitment to God.

Let us rise up and build. Let us continue to be steadfast in our walk with God. Jesus Christ came and prepared the way for us, He came to pay the price for our salvation. Let us not make His sacrifice to be in vain. Let us value this gift of salvation.

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