Thursday 30 November 2017

Eccl 3: 11God has.. set eternity in the human heart.

In the book of Ecclesiastic King Solomon wrote about the philosophy of the life of man. We were created in the likeness of God; we had a purpose which was a destiny to seek after God. Unlike all other living creatures that do not know God, man was created with the natural instinct to look for the creator.

Just as a little baby would have the instinct to look for the safety and comfort of the mother or father, so God has also given us that instinct to look for Him. Unfortunately men have turned away from God and have run after the deceptions of the false gods. These are the idols of paganism which are demonic in nature and origin.

The bible warns us about the false religions of the devil which he uses to lure men away from God. The devil uses the innate nature in man that is seeking for the protection, blessing of a higher supernatural power. This power is the eternal God in heaven but Satan is continually enticing men away from seeking the true God. He deceives the hearts of men and draws them away from God to himself.

He makes captives of men and women who become his spiritual slaves. This is the eternal battle between God and Satan who is trying to get the whole world to worship him and to join him in his assigned place in hell.

We who are believers must be reminded of the constant evil plans of the devil who is trying his best to capture the lives and souls of men. The devil has his own legions of demons that are out in the world to trip and capture even children of God into their snares.

Therefore we who are the children of God must first ensure that we are not enticed and ensnared by the devil and secondly we are also to ensure the salvation of our loved ones. To do this, just as Solomon said, we need to secure the eternity of God’s love and kingdom in our hearts.

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