Saturday 18 November 2017

Daily Devotions

1 John 3: 1See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!

Those of us who have the honor and privilege to look after grandchildren would understand and feel the great love that we have for our grandchildren. Whenever the do anything or make any sound or movement it touches our hearts and makes us joyful.

There is a special kind of love that grand parents have for grandchildren. This is quite different from the love that we have for our children. It is a higher level of love and compassion. If we can understand and feel this then we can have an understanding of the great, great love that God has for us. The moment we call or cry out to Him, His ears are inclined and intently listening to our voices.

He delights in hearing us call Him ABBA Father as well as Yahweh the Almighty. If we can have this understanding and feeling then we would be able to appreciate the love that god has for us.

As children of God, we have the birth right to become brothers and sisters of Jesus Christ and we are then joint and co-heirs with Jesus to the Kingdom of heaven. Knowing this we must press on in our faith and as Paul said, we must work out our salvation through doing God’s work and good works.

This is the privilege that was not our own doing but through the divine sacrifice of Jesus who died on the cross and suffered the torments on the cross for our sakes. We must never take our salvation lightly as it caused the pain, the torn body and the blood of Jesus Christ. He died so that we might live, He died so that He could defeat death and the devil and now we have victory over both and we have the promise of eternal life. Praise the Lord.

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