Thursday 30 November 2017

Daily Devotions 30th Nov 2017

Roms 5: 8
God demonstrates his own love for us in this. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  

This is the summary of the Gospel of Salvation which our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ came to save the world. We are told that God had this perfect plan to save all men from eternal death and He gave His only Son Jesus Christ to come and die for our sins.

The book of Romans is the book of doctrine that Paul wrote in revealing many spiritual truths. It was direct revelation which Jesus Christ gave to Paul who was led to write most of the books in the New Testament.

Jesus revealed all the doctrinal truths to Paul and theologians have attributed all  these to the glory of God who used Paul a trained and intelligent former Pharisee skilled in the scriptures to be equipped with the understanding and revelation of the word.

In this instance, Paul revealed the truth of the mission and work of Jesus Christ. It was by grace that we are saved, Paul wrote that while we were still wretched sinners Jesus Christ came and died for us and He took away our sins.

Hostile religions against the Gospel of Salvation try to discredit Christianity but they could never do so. Today we are seeing hundreds of thousands of people in anti-Christ countries coming to the Lord through first hand encounters of dreams and visions that they received directly from Jesus Christ. Even at the threat of instant death, these people are ready to stand up for Jesus, they have converted and are ready to pay the price of martyrdom even as they are baby believers.

This is surely the move of God that no man can understand. God is merciful and indeed all men can be saved as Jesus died not only for the Jews but for the while world

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