Wednesday 1 November 2017

Daily Devotions 2nd Nov 2017

Roms 12: 10Let us have real warm affection for one another as between family

Paul is writing to us on the need to have love and to walk in it. To be able to love we need to be humble, a proud and arrogant person cannot have genuine love. Love comes from a humble heart and a willing heart to submit.

Love also does not take pride in self. The best example of this is John the Baptist who was raised as the voice in the wilderness proclaiming the coming of the Lord. He was mightily used by God to change the hearts of the people and to turn them back to God. He was very effective and had a big following.

However, John the Baptist knew his calling and mission which was not to  build a huge following for himself but that he was to prepare the way and prepare the hearts of the people to receive Jesus. When John saw Jesus, he said about Jesus; ‘He must increase and I must decrease.’

John was humble knowing his mission was complete when Jesus came to Him to be baptised. His work is over and now he hands over the mission for the salvation of the world to Jesus Christ to complete. John’s ministry was to prepare the hearts of the people, to soften their hearts so that they are ready to receive the message of salvation.

We too must be humble when we are in ministry, it is not all about us but it is all about Jesus. It is not our Church that we build, it is Jesus’ Church and it is not our sheep that we pastor but it is Jesus’ sheep.

When we receive the gifting and anointing, it is to bring glory to Jesus and not to us. We need to be aware and reminded that we need to remain humble and loving as Jesus had commanded. Only when we are humble can we love the brethren.

This is what the early apostles taught over and over, they have constantly reminded that we need to love each other and also the body just as He first loved us.

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