Thursday 30 November 2017

2 Kings 22: 11When the king heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his robes.

This was King Josiah who was the king of Judah and for a long time the people have turned away from God and had run after other gods and idols. The scriptures had not been read for a long time and the priests had even kept the word of God out of sight and in fact had been lost for a long time.

Now that renovation work was being done, the book of the law was rediscovered and it was brought to the king who commanded that the book be read. Upon hearing the word, King Josiah was convicted of the sins of the nation and he tore his clothes as a sign of grief and remorse.

This is the power of the word of God, the hearers will be convicted of their sins and repent or they may be hardened in their hearts. In the case of King Josiah, he was convicted and he asked for the prophet to interpret what was read. The answer that the prophet gave was that because the people had turned from their God to other gods, they would be punished and be removed from the land.

The punishment in those days was severe and in fact God had on many occasions caused the nation of Israel to suffer great losses and captivity. The people of Israel were given over to slavery and were exiled for many long years. In fact the nation of Israel had suffered thousands of years of dispersion and only in this generation had God finally started to gather His people back to Israel which was re-established 70 years ago.

God is looking for a people who would be obedient to Him and be able to draw close to Him. God delights in the worship of His people and would bless all who would draw close to Him.

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