Friday 3 November 2017

Psalm 10: 28The prospect of the righteous is joy.

The bible speaks of joy and happiness which are gifts from God. We are filled with joy because of the good things that God has done for us. God is our Father and he desires to bless His children and also to see them in joy.

The writers of psalms always speak about the joy that God gives which surpasses all understanding. Again the scriptures tell us that the joy of the Lord is our strength. It also tells us that joy will bring spiritual strength.

Joy will also bring unity as all the people dwell together in love and unity. When there is no love and joy, then there is enmity and strife within the body. The bible also teaches us how to receive joy and to live with joy. When Paul sends the workers to the Churches, he writes to the Churches to receive them with joy.

Joy is also a medicine to our hearts and lives, it brings healing and hope. I have seen many sick people who have the joy of God with them, it helps them to accept their conditions and secondly it enhances the healing process in their sickness.

The scriptures continuously remind us that we are to seek the joy of God and the fellowship of saints among us to help build our faith and our lives.

If we do not have joy, we can ask for it and surely God will release it to us. We too can be agents of joy when we visit and minister to those who are sick and needy; we can transfer the joy of God to them when we are with them. That is part of pastoral care and what Jesus Christ taught us to do. Tend my sheep and feed my sheep. We are to care for the believers and to feed them with spiritual truths and to make them grow.

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