Saturday 18 November 2017

Daily Devotions

2 Cor 8:7See that you also excel in this grace of giving.

Paul was writing to the church in Corinth and he quoted and narrated about the example of the generosity of the believers in Macedonia who though they were needy but yet they were giving sacrificially towards the mission work.

Paul used this example to bring out the teaching on the love of Jesus who was rich in all things but He step down to reach out to all of us who are spiritually poor in order that we may receive of this spiritual riches from Him.

Interestingly we learn that giving is in fact a major thrust and aspect of the Kingdom of God. In the beginning God gave us Jesus Christ because He loves the world; Jesus came and emptied himself for all the sinners of the world.

Throughout the New and Old Testaments, the scriptures taught on the need for the believers to give. This is one aspect that God wants the believers to inculcate especially during the old days where there was abject poverty. In fact in many parts of the world, there are also many poor and under privileged believers who truly need financial support.

We can see that among all Churches a major thrust of missions is in social work in reaching out and supporting the poor. Global Christian organizations are very dedicated and committed in this aspect. In fact many global Christian organizations are full time in managing and funding the work of outreach work.

This giving ministry needs to be encouraged and build upon as in the coming days, there would be famine and lack globally and we will have many who are needy at the door of the Church. In fact every Church must look at setting up a Joseph ministry of storing and sharing.

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