Sunday 12 November 2017

Daily Devotions 12th Nov 2017

2 Chron 2: 5The temple I am going to build will be great, because our God is greater than all other gods.

We can learn from the love that King Solomon had for God, when after God had blessed him with great wisdom and all the rest of goodness of wealth and fame now Solomon wants to demonstrate his love towards God by building a magnificent temple for Him.

With all his means and influence, Solomon began to plan and recruit craftsmen for the demanding project. Solomon declared that his desire to do so was ‘because our God is greater than all other gods.’ He declared that God greatness and goodness far exceed what human hands can build for Him. However, still he determined to go on with the building of the temple.

Solomon knew that no matter what he could do for God, he could never match the bigness of God and no man can out give our God. Our Father God is sovereign over all creation and the scriptures tell us that even the whole universe cannot contain Him. God is bigger and is far beyond the expanse of the universe.

He is the infinite God who created the whole universe and everything that is in it. When we understand this, we are at awe as to what we can actually give back to God, what we are and what we have is so minute in the sight of God. What can we give back to Him just as Solomon realized? In fact all things come from God; there is only one thing that God wants and that is our love and obedience for Him and to Him.

Knowing this, we must consciously make every effort to draw nearer to Him and ensure that our relationship with Him is never severed.

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