Thursday 30 November 2017

Heb 13: 3
Remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison.

The writer reminds the Church to pray for those Christian brothers and leaders who have been unfairly persecuted and thrown into prisons. This has been the work of the enemies of the Church and even to this very day, many Christians are suffering the same fate

We continue to see and read reports of Churches and Christians in anti-Christ nations that persecute the believers and full time minsters. Many pagan religions are against the true religion of Christianity. Today in many parts of the world, ministers are being arrested unfairly and thrown into prisons and many are even tortured and killed.

The stories that are told tell us of their sufferings, and persecutions in prisons even in this time. In the Middle East countries many Christian girls and women are caught mercilessly, sexually abused and then sold of cheaply as sex slaves. This is the fate of believers in many nations and had been for thousands of years.

We are told in the word of God that in these last days, persecution will increase and great tribulation will come upon the world including the Church and the believers. We see great tribulations in some parts of the world and we will see even greater tribulations that will arise. In fact open threats have been made by the anti-Christ religions but world governments are tolerating and accepting these because they are part of the anti-Christ movements.

For those who are free, let us thank God for our freedom and for those who are in the danger zones, let us pray for them.

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