Sunday 12 November 2017

Daily Devotions

2 Cor 1: 3-4Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who comforts us in all our troubles.

Paul reminded us that it is our Lord Jesus Christ who comforts us in all our troubles. Jesus demonstrated and gave us the example of a good shepherd who looks after the sheep. He came and taught us that He cares and love us as the shepherd cares for and love the sheep.

He also demonstrated that He would feed and nurse those who are hurt and wounded. In life many of us will suffer hurt and disappointment every now and then. Life is never smooth sailing there will be times when we will suffer attacks from the enemy who would use people close to us to attack us and to hurt us.

In church environment, there have been countless incidents where trusted people who are even high on the leadership have turned around and attacked and hurt the leaders.
I have seen too many of such incidents and I have even had the experience of being hurt by my co-leaders. What about in the home context, there are also very often cases of love ones who turn around and hurt each other in the family.

This is the work of the enemy who uses the weak ones to turn against us. Therefore when such a thing happens to us, do not take it too personally as even Jesus Christ and the apostles and early Church fathers experienced the same. Moses had his share of being hurt and betrayed by his own siblings. He was also hurt by the people he led for forty years and that made him to lose his temper and as a result missed out from the Promise Land.

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