Sunday 19 November 2017

Daily Devotions 19th Nov 21017

Psalm 139: 13You knit me together in my mother’s womb.

Unlike the non-believers in God the Father and the Trinity where they do not know God and His wonderful works we the believers know exactly who we are and where we came from. Here is the psalmist who is telling us about the wisdom and power of God in creating all things in heaven and on earth.

God is the master architect and the creator. He is the most high God and all things that exist has been created by Him. Whether these are non-living or living things, God had created them with great details and precision. For example the heavenly bodies or planets have been put into the universe are precise distance, dimensions and movements. All these movements are more precise than clockwork, if it were not so, then the hours of the day would not be so precise. There is not a second that can be gained or lost everything is predetermined.

That’s why the seasons for the year can be calculated and the very day and hour of the change of seasons are also accurate. Even the movements of the planets are so precise that now scientists are able to calculate the paths and the speed of the travel of the planets. These massive planets are not there by accident but they have been put there by God.

Their shapes and sizes are all designed by God. It was to strike a perfect balance among all the planets. On the earth all living creatures and plants have different appearances and characteristics from others.

As I walk along the road side and I look at the blossoms that are bursting out in bright colours, we can see the delicate and perfect balance in each one. As science continues to research the scientists are baffled from the intricate properties and balance between all things created by God.

Everything is perfect and unexplainable. In today’s verse the psalmist proclaimed the same by describing how God can create a man in the womb of a woman, from a tiny egg, God can form a perfect man. The image and character of a person that determines his whole life is input into the foetus.  

Everything in a person has been predetermined by God and was formed in the womb. When the baby is born he will grow into the person that God had designed him to be.
This is what the psalmist said, everything had been designed by God and ordained by Him. What we are and who we are in life are predestined because God Has prepared all things for us and we will become what he has planned for us to be.

Understanding this, we need to obey and submit to God and allow Him to perfect His work in us as we grow and mature into the person He had planned us to be.   

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